What we did (in 2015)

The following programs were involved in financing kite-mentoring in 2015:

Date Mentoring Networking Training
18.12.14 1. Network Meeting
with Maja Schellhorn
28.01.15 "Arroganztraining für Frauen"
with Dr. Peter Modler
(in cooperation with EIRA-Mentoring)
27.02.15 1. Career Workshop
with Barbara Hoffbauer
24.04.15 2. Career Workshop
with Claudia von Schultzendorff
08.-09.05.15 "Patent, Trademark, Design:
Intellectual Property Rights"

with Gerd L. Koepe
(in cooperation with SGBM)
17.06.15 "Crash course for the job application
- exercises around the job interview"

with Thomas Woskowiak-Nehrwein
15.07.15 "Assessment Center Training"
with Mathias Schattat
30.07.15 "The Nonverbal Code"
with Dr. Petra Breitenfeldt
25.09.15 2. Network Meeting
with Claudia Kimich
26.09.15 "Salary negotiations"
with Claudia Kimich
07.10.15 "Arroganztraining für Frauen"
follow-up with Dr. Peter Modler
17.10.15 "Successful rhetoric and communication"
with Dr. Fabian Wilmers
11.11.15 Absolventenmesse Basel
13.-14.11.15 "Successful rhetoric and communication"
with Dr. Anne Wilmers
27.11.15 "WoMenCONNEX" Karlsruhe
16.12.15 3. Network Meeting
with Maja Schellhorn