Fascination Brain

Photo: Laurent Nexon

Neuroscientific exhibition in Strasbourg involving kids and families

An exhibition where you are allowed to touch (almost) everything. This exists in Strasbourg. BrainLinks-BrainTools and the Bernstein Center Freiburg collaborated for the first time with the interactive museum for children, Le Vaisseau, as part of the trinational initiative Neurex.

A space for discovering science and technology, the museum offers many fascinating exhibits as part of its permanent exhibition. There are for example building blocks forming a building floor plan. Visitors can tear the construction down by simulating an earthquake that makes the table shake. This is an extraordinary idea. Freiburg’s neuroscientists contributed several additional exhibits on 24 May. BrainLinks-BrainTools was represented by two stalls on measuring and using nerve signals. The first stall allowed visitors to have their brainwaves decoded through a simple EEG. The other stall used nerve signals of the muscles in the lower arm to move a virtual tennis racket. The children were enthralled and parents as well had much praise for this approach. Participants are now waiting for the next opportunity to cooperate with the institution in Strasbourg.