Neural implants can tremendously improve patient rehabilitation from severe neurological disease, however, the extent of interactions of implants with the electromagnetic fields asso- ciated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is unpredictable. As a result, the diagnostic imaging value may suffer, the implant may get damaged or the patient can get jeopardized which is why such implants are initially contraindicated to MRI. This deprives those patients from substantial benefits of MRI who may need it most. Hence, our goal within BrainLinks- BrainTools was to assist the development of MR compatible neural implants. We extensively researched the existing literature into a review paper and categorized the problems into induced voltages, induced forces, heating and MR artefacts. We then devel- oped the necessary instrumentation to test the implants in harsh MR environments up to 9.4 and 11.7 T: (a) a modular MR probehead to perform MR imaging and measure induced volt- ages with (b) an integrated high-resolution MR-compatible camera to study dislocations and forces, stroboscopically observe vibrations and potentially perform thermography, (c) a vi- brometer to measure specific vibrations and (d) a setup to measure heating according to the ASTM norm. We further developed protocols and analysis tools to measure the magnetic susceptibility of arbitrary objects and perform thermography using MR imaging and devel- oped models for the size of MR artefacts. With the analysis and optimization of MRI pulse se- quences, we aim to improve high-resolution imaging (MR microscopy) of implanted devices. With the last parts of the measurement hardware in the final steps of integration to enable testing and the development of design rules, we did achieve most of the project goals. We already developed artefact-reduced MR sequences, implants with artefact-tolerant MR locali- zation markers and design rules for neuro electrodes that enable fully artefact-free imaging.
Published, accepted and submitted:
Including journal papers (“journal”), conference contributions with extended abstracts or con- ference papers (“proceedings”) and conference contributions with short abstracts or without abstracts (“other conference”)
[i] Other conference: E. Fuhrer, J.B. Erhardt, O. Gruschke, M.C. Wapler, M. Fakhrabadi, M. Müller, K. Göbel, P. LeVan, T. Stieglitz, U. Wallrabe, J. Hennig, J.G. Korvink, “Can patients with brain implants undergo MRI?” Annual Conference of the German Soci- ety for Biomedical Engineering, Biomed Tech (2014): 59 (51) (talk)
[ii] Journal: JB Erhardt, E Fuhrer, OG Gruschke, J Leupold, MC Wapler, J Hennig, T Stieglitz and JG Korvink. „Should patients with brain implants undergo MRI?”, Journal of neural engineering, 15(4), (2018): p.041002.
[iii] Other conference: J.B. Erhardt, T. Stieglitz, “Solution or Elusion? What Purpose does a Head Wrap serve during Cochlear-Implant-Patient MRI?” Conference of European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (2016) (poster)
[iv] Journal: E Fuhrer, A Bäcker, S Kraft, FJ Gruhl, M Kirsch, N MacKinnon JG Korvink and S Sharma, “3D Carbon Scaffolds for Neural Stem Cell Culture and Magnetic Res- onance Imaging”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, (7), 2018
[v] Other conference: M.C. Wapler, F. Testud, N. Spengler, M. Zaitsev and U. Wallrabe, “Concurrent Optical and Magnetic Resonance Microscopy”, International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (2015): #A-205 (talk)
[vi] Other conference: M.C. Wapler, F. Testud, N. Spengler, Maxim Zaitsev and U. Wallrabe, “An MR-Compatible Microscope for Simultaneous Dual-Mode Optical and MR Microscopy”, Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, (2015): #262 (poster)
[vii] Other conference: M.C. Wapler, F. Testud, P. Hucker, N. Spengler, M. Zaitsev und U. Wallrabe, “Simultane Kernspin- und optische Mikroskopie mit adaptiven Linsen”, DGAO Jahrestagung 2017 (talk)
[viii] Proceedings: F Lemke, P. Weber, U Wallrabe, MC Wapler, “Piezo-actuated Adaptive Prisms for Optical Scanning”, accepted for ISOT 2018 (talk)
[ix] Proceedings: MC Wapler, M Stürmer, U Wallrabe, “A compact, large-aperture tunable lens with adaptive spherical correction”, International Symposium on Optomecha- tronic Technologies (ISOT), (2014): 130-133 (talk)
[x] Proceedings: MC Wapler, C Weirich, M Stürmer, U Wallrabe, “Ultra-kompakte adap- tive Hochgeschwindigkeitslinsen mit großer Apertur und asphärischer Korrektur”, Mik- roSystemTechnik Kongress 2015 (talk)
[xi] Other conference: F. Lemke, C. Weirich, K. Philipp, N. Koukourakis, J. Czarske, U. Wallrabe, M.C. Wapler, “Adaptive piezogetriebene Hochgeschwindigkeits-Linse mit asphärischer Korrektur”, DGAO Jahrestagung 2017 (talk)
[xii] Proceedings: MC Wapler, C Weirich, M Stürmer, U Wallrabe, “Ultra-compact, large- aperture solid state adaptive lens with aspherical correction”, 2015 Transducers-2015 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors (talk)
[xiii] Journal: BP Bruno, AR Fahmy, M Stürmer, U Wallrabe, MC Wapler, “Properties of pi- ezoceramic materials in high electric field actuator applications”, accepted at Smart Materials and Structures, arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.00192
[xiv] Proceedings: BP Bruno, AR Fahmy, M Stuermer, MC Wapler, U Wallrabe, "Charac- terizing Piezoceramic Materials in High Electric Field Actuator Applications” ACTUA- TOR 2018; 16th International Conference on New Actuators, 1-4 (2018, poster)
[xv] Proceedings: F Lemke, M Stürmer, U Wallrabe, MC Wapler, “Topological in-plane po- larized piezo actuation for compact adaptive lenses with aspherical correction”, 15th International Conference on New Actuators ACTUATOR 2016, arXiv:1603.09648 (talk)
[xvi] Proceedings: M Stürmer, MC Wapler, U Wallrabe, “Single-Sided Contacting of Out-of- Plane Polarized Piezo Films for Fluid Membrane Lenses”, 15th International Confer- ence on New Actuators ACTUATOR 2016, arXiv:1603.09316 (talk)
[xvii] Proceedings: F Lemke, Y Frey, U Wallrabe, MC Wapler, “Pre-stressed Piezo Bend- ing-buckling Actuators for Adaptive Lenses” ACTUATOR 2018; 16th International Conference on New Actuators, 1-4 (2018, poster)
[xviii] Other conference: M.C. Wapler, F. Lemke, G. Alia and U. Wallrabe, “Aspherical high- speed varifocal mirror for catadioptric miniature telephoto optics”, EOS Conference on
Manufacturing of Optical Systems 2017 (talk)
[xix] Proceedings: M.C. Wapler, F. Lemke, G. Alia and U. Wallrabe, Adaptive Spiegel mit asphärischer Korrektur für miniatur Spiegellinsenobjektive mit langer Brennweite'', VDE Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2017, pp. 809-812 (poster)
[xx] Journal: MC Wapler, F Lemke, G Alia, U Wallrabe, “Aspherical high-speed varifocal mirror for miniature catadioptric objectives”, Optics express 26 (5), 6090-6102 (2018)
[xxi] Proceedings: MC Wapler and U Wallrabe, “ULTRA-FAST AND COMPACT VARIFO- CAL LENS“, accepted at MEMS 2019 (poster)
[xxii] Proceedings: E. Fuhrer, M. Jouda, O. G. Gruschke and J. G. Korvink, „Optical gauge head to evaluate gradient field induced vibrations of conductive structures during MRI“, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), (2017, talk)
[xxiii] Journal: MC Wapler, J Leupold, I Dragonu, D von Elverfeld, M Zaitsev, U Wallrabe, “Magnetic properties of materials for MR engineering, micro-MR and beyond”, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 242, (2014): 233-242
[xxiv] Other conference: E. Fuhrer, J. Erhardt, J. Leupold, O.G. Gruschke, M. Wapler, T. Stieglitz, J. Hennig, J.G. Korvink, “Susceptibility artifact characterization of electrode materials and geometries for neuronal implants” European Congress on Magnetic Resonance (2015) (poster)
[xxv] Other conference: E. Fuhrer, O.G. Gruschke, J. Leupold, J . Erhardt, K. Goebel, M. Wapler, T. Stieglitz, U. Wallrabe, J. Hennig, J.G. Korvink, “Susceptibility artefacts of thin film platinum electrodes”, International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Mi- croscopy (2015) (poster)
[xxvi] Other conference: J.B. Erhardt, J. Leupold, E. Fuhrer, O. G. Gruschke, M. C. Wapler,
J. Hennig, J. G. Korvink, T. Stieglitz, “Influence of Pt/Ir electrode thickness on mag- netic resonance imaging susceptibility artefacts” Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Tech- nik. 60, s1,(2015): s193–s226 (talk)
[xxvii] Other conference: J.B. Erhardt, J. Leupold, E. Fuhrer, O. Gruschke, M.C. Wapler, Jürgen Hennig, Jan Korvink, Thomas Stieglitz, “Influence of Laser Structured Pt/Ir Brain Implant Electrodes with Trapezoidal Cross Section on MRI Artefact Size” Mate- rial Research Society Fall meeting (2015) (poster)
[xxviii] Other conference: J.B. Erhardt, C. Kleber, J. Leupold, E. Fuhrer, M. Asplund, J. Hen- nig, J.G. Korvink, T. Stieglitz, “MRI artefact comparison of electrode structures made of Pt/Ir and the conducting polymer PEDOT” Conference of European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (2015) (poster)
[xxix] Other conference: JB Erhardt, M Vomero, J Leupold, C Gueli, S Kassegne and T Stieglitz, “Quasi MR-imaging Artefact Free ECoG and Intracortical Electrodes” In: Proceedings of the 25th scientific meeting, International Society for Magnetic Reso- nance in Medicine, Honolulu, USA. (2018) p 4429 (poster)
[xxx] Journal: D Ashouri Vajari, M Vomero, JB Erhardt, A Sadr, J Ordonez, V Coenen and T Stieglitz, “Integrity Assessment of a Hybrid DBS Probe that Enables Neurotransmit- ter Detection Simultaneously to Electrical Stimulation and Recording” Micromachines, 9(10), (2018) p.510.
[xxxi] Proceedings: JB Erhardt, K Koenig, J Leupold, C Pasluosta,and T Stieglitz, “Precise localization of silicone-based intercranial planar electrodes in magnetic resonance im- aging” In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017 39th Annual In- ternational Conference of the IEEE (2017) (pp. 513-516). (poster)
[xxxii] Other conference: JB Erhardt, JA Martinez, TE Cork, I Gessner, S Mathur, T Stieglitz and DB Ennis, “Assessment of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Concentration for Distinct In- tercranial EEG Electrode Localization in MRI”, In: Proceedings of the 26th scientific meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Paris, France. (2017) p 4429 (poster)
[xxxiii] Book: Hennig J., Göbel-Guéniot K., Hesse L., Leupold J. Efficient Pulse Sequences for NMR Microscopy. In: Anders J., Korvink J.G.: Micro and Nano Scale NMR: Tech- nology and Systems, Wiley 2018, DOI:10.1002/9783527697281
[xxxiv] Journal: Bär S., Weigel M., Elverfeldt D., Hennig J., Leupold J. Intrinsic diffusion sen- sitivity of the balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) imaging sequence. NMR Biomed 2015;28: 1383-1392
[xxxv] Journal: Bär S., Oerther T., Weigel M., Müller A., Hucker P., Korvink J.G., Ko C., Wapler M., Leupold J. On the Application of Balanced Steady-State Free Precession to MR Microscopy. Submitted to MAGMA, current decision (oct 2018): major revision
[xxxvi] Journal: Leupold J. Balanced Steady-State free Precession Signals of Arbitrary Dephasing Order and their Sensitivity to T2*. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A, 2018,
[xxxvii] Other conference: Bär S., Weigel M., Leupold J. Diffusion effect of high b-value phase encoding gradients on the bSSFP signal. ESMRMB congress 2013, Toulouse, FR (poster)
[xxxviii] Other conference: Bär S., Weigel M., Hennig J., Elverfeldt D., Leupold J. Intrinsic Dif- fusion Sensitivity of the bSSFP Signal: Influence of Strong Phase Encoding Gradients on Image SNR. ISMRM congress 2014, Milano, ITA. (poster)
[xxxix] Other conference: Bär S., Weigel M., Hennig J., Elverfeldt D., Leupold J. Intrinsic Dif- fusion Sensitivity of the bSSFP Signal: Optimizing the flip angle in the presence of Strong Read Out Gradients. ISMRM congress 2015, Toronto, CAN. (poster)
[xl] Other conference: Leupold J., Erhardt J.B., Köhler S., Wick M., Hennel F., Hennig J. On the phase and T2* properties of the DESS sequence. ESMRMB congress 2015, Edinburgh, UK. (poster)
[xli] Other conference: Bär S., Oerther T., Müller A., Weigel M., Wapler M., Leupold J. In- gredients for balanced SSFP Microimaging. ISMRM congress 2017, Honolulu, USA. (poster)
[xlii] Other conference: Bär S., Hucker P., Oerther T., Wapler M., Leupold J. On the ap- plicability of balanced SSFP to MR microscopy. ESMRMB congress 2017, Barcelona, ESP. (poster)
[xliii] Other conference: J. Leupold, J.B. Erhardt, S. Köhler, M.Wick, F. Hennel, J. Hennig, ”On the phase and T2* properties of the DESS sequence” ESMRMB congress 2015, Edinburgh, UK (2015) (poster)
[xliv] Journal: JB Erhardt, Thomas Lottner, J Martinez, AC Özen, M Schüttler, T Stieglitz, DB. Ennis, and Michael Bock „It’s the little things: On the Complexity of Planar Elec- trode Heating in MRI“ submitted to NeuroImage
[xlv] Other conference: JB Erhardt, E Fuhrer, OG Gruschke, J Leupold, MC Wapler, J Hennig, JG Korvink and T Stieglitz, NEUMARE at the Nobel Laureate Meeting Lindau 2015 (poster)