"Peer Group Counseling 2" - follow-up with Maja Schellhorn

Helps in decision-making: the "croissant-or-pretzel-method"

31 May, 2016

Since the first part of the seminar on Peer Group Counseling (PGC) in January was a success, we decided to offer a follow-up.
Also this time Maja Schellhorn, coach and consultant in Freiburg, joined the event as a lecturer.
The beginners (those who did not take part in the first event) got the opportunity to familarize themselves with the topic of the today's workshop. The others got the chance to deepen their knowledge about Peer Group Counseling, discuss do's and don'ts and practice additional methods.
At the beginning of the event, Maja Schellhorn repeated the 6-step-method she already imparted last time. Applying the method showed once more how easy to learn and how successful it is.
But as efficient as the 6-step method may be, some conditions have to be fulfilled to be able to apply it. There should be at least five participants and one should plan approximately 45-60 minutes for one run.
So what to do if you are short on time and people but still need advice?
Exactly for these cases, Maja Schellhorn prepared alternative techniques such as the "optimist-realist-pessimist-method" and the "croissant-or-pretzel-method".
As in January, the feedback received during and after the event was positive which shows how helpful peer mentoring is. - Especially when difficult decisions have to be made.
In a group, many different ideas come together, and this is how the person who is seeking advice gains new perspectives.