Close to the Brain - Creativity in Science and Arts

An artwork of science: Nerve fiber tracking with diffusion tensor imaging (DT-MRI). Created by the Department of Medical Physics at the Universitätsklinikum Freiburg.

Workshop confronting scientists' opinions on the creative process with those of artists

The BrainLinks-BrainTools outreach team is organizing a short workshop about "Creativity in Science and Arts" taking place at the Alte Wiehrebahnhof on Wednesday, Dec 14 (3:30-5:00pm).

Writer Annette Pehnt and composer Harald Kimmig are currently working on a theatre production dealing with insights derived from the work of BrainLinks-BrainTools. To discuss their creative process and to compare it to the way scientists work, they will meet cluster scientists Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wallrabe, PD Dr. Oliver Müller and Prof. Dr. Stefan Rotter.

Public participation in this open exploration is very welcome. Please register until Tuesday, Dec 13: sabrina.livanec(at)

Further details HERE ...