Across the big pond

Photo: Levin Sottru

Neuro-engineer Ulrich Hofmann to chair Gordon Research Conference in Galveston, USA

BrainLinks-BrainTools member Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hofmann, head of the section of Section of Neuroelectronic Systems at the Department of Neurosurgery, will be chairing a 5-day Gordon Research Conference on "Neuroelectronic Systems" in March 2018. Co-chair will be his cluster colleague Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz.

Gordon Research Conferences emerged from a chemistry summer school at John Hopkins University in the 1930s and have become established in all natural sciences over the years. The conference series is especially well-known among biologists. Contributions are frequently published in the renowned journal "Science".

An interview with Ulrich Hofmann about his plans for the conference can be found on the Reaching Out blog (in German):