Brain Awareness Week 2018

Activities span from Instragram postings to pub quiz

Also this year the Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools took part in the Brain Awareness Week. NEXUS EXPERIMENTS, the cluster's outreach project, illustrated one of the core topics of BrainLinks-BrainTools research on Instagram using drawings by Danesh Ashouri from the Laboratory of Biomedical Microtechnology: How can neurotechnology help people suffering from neurological or psychiatric diseases? And which ethical and societal questions are connected with the use of neurotechnology? The videos about the development process and the finished drawings can be found here.

In cooperation with the Bernstein Center Freiburg, NEXUS EXPERIMENTS also organized a BrainQuiz as a special edition of the "Café Scientifique". Students of the Master of Neuroscience program and Neurobiology conceived an exciting quiz on the subject of the brain.

The Brain Awareness Week is a yearly worldwide initiative of the Dana Foundation aimed at drawing the attention of the widest possible public to current topics in the neurosciences and related disciplines