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PD Dr. Tonio Ball (Contact PI)
The main goals of this project are (1) to develop a next-generation high-density micro- electrocorticography(μECoG)-based neuro-implant with closed-loop stimulation and recording abilities, (2) to elaborate stimulation paradigms to either enhance or suppress oscillatory activity in the cortex of the sheep and (3) to quantify the stimulation-dependent changes in behavior by using highly sensitive motion capture techniques.Multiple neuro-implants were successfully developed. One line of development focused on implants for preclinical neuroscientific research using off-the-shelf components. The second line of development was in cooperation with our industrial partner CorTec GmbH towards medical devices for clinical applications taking all regulatory aspects into account. In this context, strategies for building competitive neural implants within very short development cycles, minimal requirements and costs were mapped out resulting in a new platform solution approach for next gen neuro research tools. The built implants were tested under acute and chronic in vivo conditions. Those experiments proved that frequency-specific modulation of brain activity can be achieved using electrical stimulation of the cortex with our novel implants. With the currently implanted sheep, we were also able to track the skeleton movements during recording and stimulation. To investigate possible movement output changes induced by electrical stimulation of the sheep’s motor cortex, we developed algorithms to analyze the high dimensional motion capture data. We recorded motion data during simultaneous stimulation and analyzed this data with our newly developed state-of- the-art algorithms.This project yields a versatile fully functional implantable closed-loop technology platform including next gen ECoG signal evaluation algorithms combined with a novel marker-less motion capture technique for large animal models within BrainLinks-BrainTools.
Journal articles:
1. Kuhner, A., Schubert, T., Cenciarini, M., Wiesmeier, I. K., Coenen, V. A., Burgard, W., Weiller, C., Maurer, C. (2017). Correlations between motor symptoms across different motor tasks, quantified via Random-Forest feature classification in Parkinson’s disease. In Frontiers in Neurology Vol. 8, Art. 607.
2. Wang, Xi, C. Alexis Gkogkidis, Olga Iljina, Lukas D. J. Fiederer, Christian Henle, Irina Mader, Jan Kaminsky, Thomas Stieglitz, Mortimer Gierthmuehlen, and Tonio Ball. 2017. “Mapping the Fine Structure of Cortical Activity with Different Micro-ECoG Electrode Array Geometries.” Journal of Neural Engineering 14 (5): 056004.
3. C. Alexis Gkogkidis, Xi Wang, T. Schubert, M. Gierthmühlen, F. Kohler, A. Schulze-Bonhage, W. Burgard, J. Rickert, J. Haberstroh, M. Schüttler, T. Stieglitz, T. Ball (2017) Closed-loop interaction with the cerebral cortex using a novel micro-ECoG-based implant: the impact of beta vs. gamma stimulation frequencies on cortico-cortical spectral responses, Brain-Computer Interfaces, 4:4, 214-224, doi: 10.1080/2326263X.2017.1381829
4. F. Kohler, C. Alexis Gkogkidis, C. Bentler, Xi Wang, M. Gierthmuehlen, Joerg Fischer, C. Stolle, L. M. Reindl, J. Rickert, T. Stieglitz, T. Ball, M. Schuettler (2017). „Closed-loop interaction with the cerebral cortex: a review of wireless implant Technology”, Brain-Computer Interfaces, 4:3, 146- 154, doi: 10.1080/2326263X.2017.1338011
5. Casimo, Kaitlyn, Lila H. Levinson, Stavros Zanos, C. Alexis Gkogkidis, Tonio Ball, Eberhard Fetz, Kurt E. Weaver, and Jeffrey G. Ojemann. 2017. “An Interspecies Comparative Study of Invasive Electrophysiological Functional Connectivity.” Brain and Behavior, November.
6. Gierthmuehlen, M., Wang, X., Gkogkidis, A., Henle, C., Fischer, J., Fehrenbacher, T., Kohler, F., Raab, M., Mader, I., Kuehn, C., Foerster, K., Haberstroh, J., Freiman, T. M., Stieglitz, T., Rickert, J., Schuettler, M. and Ball, T. (2014), Mapping of sheep sensory cortex with a novel microelectrocorticography grid. J. Comp. Neurol., 522: 3590-3608. doi: 10.1002/cne.23631
7. Kuhner, A., Schubert, T., Maurer, C., & Burgard, W. (2017). An Online System for Tracking the Performance of Parkinson’s Patients. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
8. Wang, X., C. A. Gkogkidis, R. T. Schirrmeister, F. A. Heilmeyer, M. Gierthmuehlen, F. Kohler, M. Schuettler, T. Stieglitz, and T. Ball. 2018. “Deep Learning for Micro Electrocorticographic (µECoG) Data*.” In 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), 63–68.
9. A. Gkogkidis, C. Bentler, X. Wang, M. Gierthmuehlen, C. Scheiwe, H. Cristina Schmitz, J.Haberstroh, T.Stieglitz, T. Ball, “Neurophysiological Evaluation of a Customizable μECoG- based Wireless Brain Implant”, 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2018, 10.1109/EMBC.2018.8513044 .
10. C. Bentler and T. Stieglitz, "Building wireless implantable neural interfaces within weeks for neuroscientists," 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Seogwipo, 2017
11. A. Kuhner, T. Schubert, M. Cenciarini, C. Maurer and W. Burgard: “A Probabilistic Approach Based on Random Forests to Estimating Similarity of Human Motion in the Context of Parkinson’s Disease”, in Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots & Systems (IROS), 2016.
12. Schubert, T., K. Eggensperger, A. Gkogkidis , F. Hutter, T. Ball, and W. Burgard. 2016. “Automatic Bone Parameter Estimation for Skeleton Tracking in Optical Motion Capture.” In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5548-54.
13. S. Stöcklin, A. Yousaf, T. Volk, L.M. Reindl,Efficient Wireless Powering of Biomedical Sensor Systems for Multichannel Brain Implants 2015 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and measurement, issue: 99, page(s): 1 - 11
14. Schubert, Tobias, Alexis Gkogkidis, Tonio Ball, and Wolfram Burgard. 2015. “Automatic Initialization for Skeleton Tracking in Optical Motion Capture.” In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 734-39.
15. Volk, T., A. Yousaf, J. Albesa, S. Stocklin, S. Hussain, C.A. Gkogkidis, T. Ball, and L.M. Reindl. 2015. “Wireless Power Distribution System for Brain Implants.” In Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2015 IEEE International, 1249-54.
16. Volk, T., C. Bentler, S. Stocklin, J. Albesa, A. Yousaf, T. Stieglitz, and L. Reindl. 2015. “Novel Concept for a Wireless and Batteryless Brain Implant Array.” In 2015 12th International Multi- Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD), 1–5.
17. J. Meyer, M. Kuderer, J. Müller, and W. Burgard: “Online marker labeling for fully automatic skeleton tracking in optical motion capture.”, in Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics & Automation (ICRA) , 2014.
18. T. Volk, J. Albesa, S. Stöcklin, A. Yousaf, and L. Reindl: “Theoretical approach to setup a multi antenna system for brain implants,”presented at IEEE IDAACS, Offenburg, Germany, Sept. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/IDAACS-SWS.2014.6954629
19. Stieglitz, T., Ordonez, J.S., Henle, C., Meier, W., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Kohler, F., Boretius, T.,Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Schuettler, M.: Miniaturized Neural Interfaces and Implants in Neurological Rehabilitation. 2nd International Conference on Neural Rehabilitation (ICNR), Plenary talk, Aalborg, 24-26 June 2014 (2014)
20. F. Kohler, E. Singler, T. Stieglitz, M. Schüttler, Cranial bone feedthrough for a multichannel ECoG electrode lead of achronically implanted BCI - A design study. Biomed Tech 2014; 59 (s1) DOI 10.1515/bmt 2014-4482, S1091
21. Gkogkidis, C.A., X.Wang, M. Gierthmuehlem, S. Doostkam, M. Schuettler, J.Rickert, J. Haberstroh, T. Stieglitz, W. Burgard, T. Ball,“Signal quality characteristics and histopathological tissue responses in chronic long-term micro-electrocorticographic recordings”, Society for Neuroscience, 2016. Online.
22. A. Gkogkidis, X. Wang, M.Gierthmühlen, M.Schüttler, T. Stieglitz, T. Ball, Closed-loop interaction with the cerebral cortex: Exploring the parameter space of μECoG stimulation and read-outs, AREADNE 2016.
23. M. Gierthmuehlen, A. Gkogkidis, S. Doostkam, M. Schuettler, J. Haberstroh, T. Ball, Funktionelle und histologische Evaluation von μECoG-Elektroden im Schaf, DGNC 2016.
24. Gkogkidis, A., Gierthmuehlen, M., Wang, X., Kuehn, C., Rickert, J., Ball, T.; Mapping of auditory evoked responses using high-resolution micro-electrocorticography, Organisation for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting 2015, Poster number 1823, online.
25. M. Gierthmuehlen, A. Gkogkidis, X. Wang, C. Kuehn, M. Schuettler, C. Henle, F. Kohler, J. Haberstroh, K. Foerster, K. Wiebe, T. Wesarg, T. Ball; High-resolution μECOG-recording of auditory-evoked responses on the core and belt auditory cortex of the sheep. DGNC 2015.
26. M. Gierthmuehlen, A. Gkogkidis, X. Wang, T. Wesarg, K. Wiebe, T.M. Freiman, J. Haberstroh, K. Foerster, J. Rickert, M. Schuettler, T. Ball; Functional organisation of the sheep’s cerebral cortex - where shall we implant our BMI prototypes?, DGNC 2014.
27. Wang, X., Gkogkidis, A., Gierthmuehlen, M., Kuehn, C., Henle, C., Raab, M., Fischer, J., Kohler, F., Haberstroh, J., Stieglitz, T., Schuettler, M., Rickert, J., Freiman, T., Ball, T.; Acute and Chronic μECoG-based Brain Mapping Using a Wireless Implant System in a Large Animal Model, Program No. 833.07/NN10. 2013 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Society for Neuroscience, 2013. Online.
28. Gierthmuehlen, M., Wang, X., Kuehn, C., Gkogkidis, A., Henle, C., Raab, M., Fischer, J., Kohler, F., Haberstroh, J., Stieglitz, T., Schuettler, M., Rickert, J., Ball, T., Freiman, T.; Neurosurgical approach to the cerebral cortex for acute and chronic cortical stimulation and recording studies in minipigs and sheep, Program No. 833.06/NN9. 2013 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Society for Neuroscience, 2013. Online.
29. Rickert, J., Kohler, F., Fischer, J., Fehrenbacher, T., Gkogkidis, A., Mohrlok, R., Paetzold, J., Boven, K.-H., Henle, C., Meier, W., Raab, M., Ordonez, J.S., Wang, X., Gierthmuehlen, M., Ball, T., Foerster, K., Haberstroh, J., Freiman, T.M., Stieglitz, T., Schuettler, M.; An implantable brain- computer interface for chronic cortical recording and stimulation using a micro-ECoG electrode array, Program No. 833.17/OO2. 2013 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2013. Online.
30. Bentler C., Stöcklin S., Stieglitz T.; Blueprint for implantable Brain Computer Interfaces made of commercial off-the-shelf components 2016 NANS- NIC Joint Meeting, 25.-29-06.2016, Baltimore, MD, USA
31. C. Bentler, S. Stöcklin, T. Stieglitz, Blueprint for Implantable Brain Computer Interfaces Made of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Components NANS-NIC Joint Meeting, Baltimore, 2016.
32. C. Bentler, T. Volk, L. Reindl, T. Stieglitz, “Concept of a bidirectional high channel count neural implant electronics using off-the-shelf components.” 2015 BMT 49th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering, Lübeck
33. T. Schubert, J. Meyer, M. Kuderer, J. Müller, and W. Burgard: “Fully Automatic Skeleton Tracking in Optical Motion Capture”, presented at ICRA 2014: Full-Day Workshop on Latest Advances on Natural Motion Understanding and Human Motion Synthesis
34. Stieglitz, T., Ordonez, J.S., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Kohler, F., Boretius, T., Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Schuettler, M.: Flexible Polymer-based Neuroprosthetic Interfaces in Fundamental and Translational Research. Symposium on Advanced Multifunctional Biomaterials for Neuroprosthetic Interfaces, MRS Spring, 21.-25.04.2014, San Francisco (2014)
35. Gkogkidis, C.A., Bentler, C., Wang, X., Scheiwe, C., Cristina Schmitz, H., Stieglitz, T., Ball, T. “Neurophysiological recording and stimulation using an off-the-shelf component wireless brain implant.” Program No. 271.06. 2018 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2018. Online.
36. Gkogkidis, C.A., C.Bentler, X.Wang, M.Gierthmuehlen, C.Scheiwe, H.Cristina Schmitz, J.Haberstroh, T.Stieglitz, T. Ball, “Neurophysiological Evaluation of a Customizable μECoG- based Wireless Brain Implant”, 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2018, 10.1109/EMBC.2018.8513044
37. Gkogkidis C.A., Wang X., Gierthmuehlen M., Haberstroh J., Schuettler M., Rickert J., Stieglitz T., and Ball T., "Cortico-cortical spectral responses elicited by closed-loop stimulation in the sheep somatosensory cortex". The First Biannual Neuroadaptive Technology Conference 2017, Berlin, Germany.
38. Gkogkidis, C.A, Wang, X., Gierthmuehlen, M., Henle, C., Raab, M., Fischer, J., Kohler, F., Haberstroh, J., Stieglitz, T., Schuettler, M., Rickert, J., Foerster, K., Freiman, T., Ball, T., Cortical Recording and Stimulation Using a Wireless μECoG Implant System in a Large Animal Model. Biomed Tech 2014; 59 (s1) DOI:10.1515/bmt-2014-4468, S1069
39. Stieglitz, T., Ordonez, J.S., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Kohler, F., Boretius, T., Boehler, C. Asplund, M., Schuettler, M.: Miniaturized Neural Interfaces and Implants in Fundamental and Translational Research. Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MTL Seminar Series, 25.04.2014, Boston (2014)
40. Stieglitz T., Ordonez, J.S., Henle, C., Meier, W., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Kohler, F., Boretius, T.,Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Ball, T., Rickert, J., Cvancara, P., Schuettler, M. Miniaturized neural interfaces and implants in fundamental and translational research. IBBME Distinguished Lecture, 11.11.2014, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto (2014).
41. C. Bentler, J.S. Ordonez, M. Schuettler, T. Stieglitz. Towards thin-film based high density hermetic feedthroughs for direct on die implementation. Biomed Tech 2014; 59 (s1) DOI 10.1515/bmt-2014-4052, S113 42. J. Ordonez, T. Stieglitz, Thermal stress in thin-film polyimide- based electrode arrays. Biomed Tech 2014; 59 (s1), DOI 10.1515/bmt-2014-4051, S112
42. T. Volk, "Implantierbare Vorrichtung zur elektrischen Daten- und Energieübertragung " DE102015103446B3, granted 2016-08-25
43. Stieglitz, T.: Miniaturized Neural Interfaces and Implants in Neurological Rehabilitation. In: Jensen, W., Andersen O.K., Akay, M. (eds.): Replace, Repair, Restore, Relieve - Bridging Clinical and Engineering Solutions in Neurorehabilitation. Proc. 2nd ICNR, Aalborg, 24-26 June 2014. Biosystems&Biorobotics 7. Cham: Springer, pp. 9-14 (2014)
44. Stieglitz, T., Ordonez, J.S., Henle, C., Meier, W., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Kohler, F., Boretius, T., Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Schuettler, M.: Miniaturized Neural Interfaces and Implants in Neurological Rehabilitation. 2nd International Conference on Neural Rehabilitation (ICNR), Plenary talk, Aalborg, 24-26 June 2014 (2014)
45. Stieglitz, T.: Forschung und Produktentwicklung - kein Widerspruch. Gründeruniversität Freiburg, Sitzung des Universitätsbeirates am 26.05.2014, Freiburg (2014)
46. Stieglitz , T., Ordonez, J.S. , Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Boretius, T.,Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Schuettler, M.: Neural Arrays - between Fundamental Research and Clinical Applications. CSNE & BrainLinks-BrainTools, Joint Roundtable Workshop: “Clinical Applicability of BMIs”July 21-23, 2014 FRIAS, Albertstr. 19, Freiburg, Germany (2014)
47. Stieglitz T.: Neurotechnische Mensch-Maschine Schnittstellen -Fiktion oder klinische Praxis ?. Innovationsforum Medizintechnik, 23.10.2014, Tuttlingen (2014)
48. Stieglitz T.: Fühlende Prothesen - von der Prothetik zur Neuroprothetik. Innovationsforum Medizintechnik, 23.10.2014, Tuttlingen (2014)
49. Stieglitz, T., Boretius, T., Henle, C., Meier, W., Kohler, F., Fiedler, E., Ordonez, J.S:, Rickert, J., Schuettler, M.: “Flexible Neural Interfaces in Fundamental and Translational Research”. Freiburg- Imperial Symposium on Neuroscience and Neurotechnology, 23rd -25th September 2014, Freiburg (2014)
50. Stieglitz T., Ordonez, J.S., Henle, C., Meier, W., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Kohler, F., Boretius, T.,Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Ball, T., Rickert, J., Cvancara, P., Schuettler, M. Miniaturized neural interfaces and implants in fundamental and translational research. IBBME Distinguished Lecture, 11.11.2014, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto (2014).
51. Stieglitz, T.: „Vom Impuls zur Neuromodulation“. 10. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neuromodulation, 28./29.11.2014, Bad Oeynhausen (2014).
52. Stieglitz T., Ordonez, J.S., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Ashouri, D., Kohler, F., Boretius, T.,Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Ball, T., Rickert, J., Cvancara, P., Schuettler, M.: Sensorik in der Medizintechnik am Beispiel neurotechnischer Implantate, 29.01.2015, F&E Forum der Heraeus Precious
53. Stieglitz T., Ordonez, J.S., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Ashouri, D., Kohler, F., Boretius, T.,Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Ball, T., Rickert, J., Cvancara, P., Schuettler, M.: Neurotechnische Implantate im peripheren und zentralen Nervensystem. Fakultät füt Elektro- und Informationstechnik, Technische Universität Dresden, 05.02.2015 (2015)
54. Stieglitz T., Ordonez, J.S., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Ashouri, D., Kohler, F., Boretius, T.,Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Ball, T., Rickert, J., Cvancara, P., Schuettler, M.: Mikrosysteme im Kontakt mit dem Nervensystem - Chancen und Herausforderungen. Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut (NMI) an der Universität Tübingen, 13.04.2015, Reutlingen (2015) à ExC1086
55. Stieglitz T., Ordonez, J.S., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Ashouri, D., Kohler, F., Boretius, T., Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Ball, T., Rickert, J., Cvancara, P., Schuettler, M.: Intelligente Implantate‑ Chancen und Herausforderungen am Beispiel neurotechnischer Anwendungen. Symposium Intelligente Implantate, Hochschule Furtwangen, Campus Villingen-Schwenningen, 05.05.2015, Schwenningen (2015) à ExC1086
56. Stieglitz T., Ordonez, J.S., Plachta, D.T.T., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Ashouri, D., Kohler, F., Boretius, T., Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Ball, T., Rickert, J., Cvancara, P., Schuettler, M.: Neural Interfaces - From Basic Research to Clinical Applications Advanced Institute, The US-Turkey Advanced Study Institute on Global Healthcare Challenges, 22.-25.06.2015, Izmir, Turkei (2015)
57. Stieglitz T., Ordonez, J.S., Plachta, D.T.T., Hassler, C., Fiedler, E., Ashouri, D., Kohler, F., Boretius, T., Boehler, C., Asplund, M., Ball, T., Rickert, J., Cvancara, P., Schuettler, M.: Neural Interfaces - From Basic Research to Clinical Applications Advanced Institute, The US-Turkey Advanced Study Institute on Global Healthcare Challenges, 22.-25.06.2015, Izmir, Turkei (2015)
58. Clausen, J., Stieglitz, T.: “Darf Technik den Nerv treffen ? -Ein Streitgespräch” moderiert von Tom Hegemann. BMBF-Zukunftskongress Demografie‑ Technik zum Menschen bringen, 29.- 30.06.2015, Berlin (2015).
59. Stieglitz, T.: Strom hilft heilen - Neurotechnik in Therapie und RehabilitationLange Nacht der Wissenschaft, 24. Juli 2015, Technische Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, (2015)
60. Stieglitz, T., Ordonez, J.S., Kohler, F., Boretius, T., Ball, T., Rickert, J., Schuettler, M.: Neural implants in basic and translational research, Microalliance Meeting-Kyoto- Michigan-Freiburg, 24.-25.09.2015, Freiburg (2015)
61. Ordonez, J.S., Stieglitz, T: (2015) Miniaturisierte Implantate zwischen Grundlagen und klinischer Anwendung. Workshop für Unternehmer: Medizintechnik der Zukunft. Neue Technologien und Werkstoffe, Spitzmüller AG, 01.10.2015, Gengenbach (2015).
62. Stieglitz, T.: Neurotechnik - trifft den Nerv und geht unter die Haut. 23. VDE Fachtagung mit Ausstellung “Albert-Keil-Kontaktseminar”, 08.10.2015, KIT, Karlsruhe n(2015)
63. Stieglitz T., Čvančara, P., Ashouri, D., Rudmann, L., Hassler, C., Kohler, F., Ordonez, J.S.: Neural implants for mice and men, Computational Neuroscience and the Hybrid Brain, 12.- 14.10.2015, Freiburg (2015)
64. Stieglitz T., FES:Stretching the boundaries. FES: The interdisciplinary Dialogue, IFESS, 15.- 16.10.2015, IIT, Chicago, USA (2015)
65. Stieglitz, T.: Wenn Technik den Nerv trifft - Neurotechnik in Therapie und Rehabilitation. Dr. Eduard-Martin Lecture,Festvortrag an der Universität des Saarlandes, 22.10.2015, Saarbrücken (2015).
66. Stieglitz, T.: New electrode arrays for BCI. International Symposium “Closing the (efferent) auditory loop. 26.-17.10.2015, Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover (2015).
67. Stieglitz, T.: Neural Implants in Translational Research and Clinical Applications. Annual Liability Regimes Conference. The Geneva Association. 04.-05.11.2015, Rüschlikon, Schweiz (2015).
68. Stieglitz, T., The Oracle of Cassandra: Technology for Paralyzed Users Impulse talk and panel discussion Neurotechnix , 3rd International Conferenceon Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatix-NEUROTECHNIX 2015, Nov. 16-17, 2015 Lisbon, Portugal (2015)
69. 27. Stieglitz, T.: “Miniaturized Implants on the Way into Clinical Applications“. Keynote lecture, 3rd International Conferenceon Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatix-NEUROTECHNIX 2015, Nov. 16-17, 2015 Lisbon, Portugal (2015)
70. Stieglitz, T.: “Strom hilft heilen.-Neurotechnik in Therapie und Rehabilitation”. Lange nacht der Wissenschaft, 24.07.2015, Technische Fakultät der universität Freiburg (2015).
71. Stieglitz, T., Ordonez, J.S.: Technik hilft Heilen-Vom Hörimplantat zum Hirnschrittmacher. Tagung Alter(n) und Gesellschaft, 20.11.2015, Bürgerhaus Zähringen, Freiburg (2015).
72. Ammon, K.H., Grunwald, A., Park, E., Schultz, T., Stieglitz, T., Woopen C.: Cyborgs und Maschinen-Menschen‑ zwischen Therapie und Utopie. Moderation: Volkart Wildermuth. Jubiläum 25 Jahre wissenschaftliche Politikberatung‑ Technikfolgenabschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag, 02.12.2015, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Berlin (2015)
73. Stieglitz, T.: Technik unter der Haut - Elektronische Pillen oder Ersatzteile für Maschinenmenschen ? Dialog im Museum, Daimler und Benz Stitung, Mecedes Benz Museum, 08.12.2015, Stuttgart (2015)
74. Stieglitz, T.: "Mikrosystemtechnik und deren Anwendung in der Neurologischen Therapie und Rehabilitation" VDI, BC Schwarzwald, 15.03.2016, Freiburg (2016)
75. Stieglitz, T., Rubehn, B., Henle, C., Meier, W., Kohler, F., Fiedler, E., Ordonez, J.S., Rickert, J., Ball, T., Gierthmuehlem, M., Asplund, M., Boehler, C., Schuettler, M.: “Grid Arrays”. 2nd International Workshop on High Frequency Oscillations in Epilepsy, March 10-12, 2016, Freiburg (2016).
76. Stieglitz, T.: "Neuroprothetik", VDMA Herbsttagung der Sektion "Electronics, Micro and Nano Technologies", 20./21.09.2016, Universität Freiburg (2016)
77. Stieglitz, T.: “Wenn Technik den Nerv trifft…”, NWG Lehrerfortbildung “Neurotechnik-An der Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und Technik”, 26.09.2016, Bernstein Center Freiburg (2016)
78. Stieglitz, T.: "Technik unter der Haut : Elektronische Pillen und Ersatzteile für Maschinenmenschen", Erlebnispark Fördertechnik, 12.10.2016, Sinsheim (2016)
79. Stieglitz, T.: Development, prototyping, fabrication and testing individualized long-term safe electrode arrays. Workshop on Brain-Machine interface systems for motor rehabilitation. 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016), October 18-21, 2016, Segovia, Spain (2016).
80. Stieglitz, T.: “Thin-film electrodes to interface with the nervous system”, The Össur and Ottobock Treaty on Neural Controlled Man-Machine Interface, 29.10.2016, Reykjavik, Iceland (2016)
81. Stieglitz, T.: “Different Applications but Similar Technologes and Same Challenges in Neural Implants”, GOSTRALIA! Networking Research Symposium, Research Landscapes and Technology Transfer in Australia and Baden-Wuerttemberg-Currrent Projects and Perspectives for Research Collaboration, 25.11.2016, Stuttgart (2016)
82. Stieglitz T. :”Neurotechnik”, Technologien im sozialen Kontext. Ein Gespräch zwischen Technikwissenschaften & Science and Technology Studies (STS) im Rahmen der Reihe “Kontroversen und Konvergenzen: Wissenschaften an ihren Schnittstellen”, University College Freiburg, 13.12.2016, Freiburg (2016)
83. Stieglitz, T.: “Why Neurotechnologies? About the Purposes for Developing Clinical Applications of Neurotechnologies”. Mechanized Brains, Embodied Technologies, Restored Movements. Phlosophical and Ethical Implications of Neurotechnological Interventions. 20.-21.01.2017, Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, Freiburg (2017)
84. Stieglitz, T.: “Prüfverfahren für hermetische und nicht-hermetische nImplantat-Komponenten”, Fachgruppe Intelligente Implantate, MicroTEC Südwest, n27.01.2017, Ulm (2017)
85. Stieglitz, T.: “Is this me ? Interfaces with the nervous system control prostheses and ntreat diseases and disorders” Séminaire «Corps et prothèses : vécus, usages, contextes», Séance 1: «Vulnérabilité et capabilité», 10.02.2017, Université de Strasbourg (2017)
86. Stieglitz, T.:”Aktive Neuroimplantate” Gesundheitskongress 2017, Hochschule Furtwangen, 29.03.2017 (2017)
87. Stieglitz T., Čvančara, P., Mueller, M., Liljemalm, R., Erhardt, J., Boehler, C., Pfau, J., Ashouri Vajari, D., Vomero, M., Oliveira, A., Eickenscheidt, M., Khan, S., Asplund, M., Ordonez, J.S.:“Stability and functionality of flexible electrode arrays in chronic applications” IEEE Brain Initiative Workshop on Advanced NeuroTechnologies for BRAIN Initiatives (ANTBI): Challenges and Opportunities, IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, May 25th, 2017, Shanghai, China (2017)
88. Stieglitz, T.: „Invasive Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen” 3. Zukunftskongress zur Mensch-Technik Interaktion “Technik zum Menschen bringen” des BMBF, 26.-27.06.2017, Bonn (2017)
89. Stieglitz, T., Čvančara, P., Vomero, M., Pfau, J., Ashouri, D., Oliveira, A., Ordonez, J.S., Gueli, C., Eickenscheidt, M., Kassegne, M.: “Long-Term Performance of Flexible Thin-Film Electrode Arrays in Neural Implants”. International Conference BrainLinks-BrainTools, Forum Merzhausen, 28.-30.06.2017, Merzhausen (2017)
90. Stieglitz, T.: “Polymer-basierte Schnittstellen zum Nervensystem”, Hector Fellow Symposium “Medizin 4.0 - Organische Elektronik in der modernen Medizin”, 06.07.2017, Dresden (2017).
91. Stieglitz, T.: “Neurotechnik für elektronische Pillen und fühlende Prothesen”, Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main, 10.10.2017, Frankfurt (2017)
92. Stieglitz, T.: “Miniaturized Implants to Interface with the Peripheral and Central Nervous System” Center for Neuroprosthetics Seminar, EPFL, 26.10.2017, Lausanne, CH (2017).
93. Stieglitz, T., Čvančara, P., Vomero, M., Pfau, J., Ashouri, D., Oliveira, A., Ordonez, J.S., Gueli, C., Eickenscheidt, M., Kassegne, S.: “Stability and functionality of flexible electrodes arrays” IEEE Brain Sensors Workshop, 02.11.2017, Glasgow, UK (2017)
94. Stieglitz, T., Čvančara, P., Müller, M., Liljemalm, R., Erhardt, J., Boehler, C., Ashouri, D., Vomero, M., Oliveira, A., Eickenscheidt, M., Asplund, M., Ordonez, J.S.: “Miniaturized Neural Implants: Design, Development and Reliability” Designs of Medical Devices Conference Europe 2017, 14.- 15.11.2017, Einthoven, The Netherlands (2017).
95. Stieglitz, T.: “Bioelektronische Medizin‑ Versprechen und Herausforderungen”, Hochrhein- Seminar, Technisches Gymnasium Waldshut, 19.01.2018, Waldshut (2018).
96. Stieglitz, T.: “Wenn Technik den Nerv trifft… Miniaturisierte Implantate in der Neurotechnik und für Elektrozeutika”. Fachtagung Kunststoff trifft Medizintechnik, 31.01.-01.02.2018, Leipzig (2018).
97. Stieglitz, T.: “When technology hits the nerve‑ intelligent implants in neurological treatment and rehabilitation”. XPOMET, Die Convention für Innovation und High-tech in der Medizin,21.- 23.03.2018, Leipzig (2018)
98. Stieglitz, T.: “Neurostimulation zur Wiederherstellung sensorischen Feedbacks“ MedTech Summit, 11.-12.04.2018, Messe Nürnberg (2018).
99. Stieglitz, T.: “Bioelektronische Medizin-Versprechen und Herausforderungen”, , microTEC Südwest Clusterkonzerenz 2018, 16.-17.04.2018, Konzerthaus Freiburg (2018).
100. Stieglitz, T.: “Introduction to Optogenetics”, Fachgruppe Intelligente Implantate, microTEC Südwest, 16.05.2018, Rottweil (2018).
101. Stieglitz, T.: “Stability and Functionality of Thin-film Recording and Stimulation Electrodes in the Peripheral and Central Nervous System”. International Conference on Advanced Neurotechnologies (ICAN), May 6-8, 2018, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (2018).
102. Stieglitz, T.: “Schnittstellen zum Nervensystem‑ von Krüppeln zu Supermenschen ?”, Workshop Selbstoptimierung”, 08. Juni 2018, Freiburg (2018).
103. Stieglitz, T.: “Stability of materials and flexible neural probes for recording, electrical and optical stimulation”, Colloquium des SFB 889 “Cellular Mechanisms of Sensory Processing”, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, 19.06.2018, Göttingen (2018).