Relevant for Research Area
It is becoming more and more apparent that epilepsy is associated with widespread network alterations that cannot necessarily be well represented by the concept of a restricted epileptogenic focus. A better understanding of these networks is thus essential for the development of effective therapeutic intervention strategies such as targeted stimulation. Yet there is currently no single reliable method to localize epileptogenic foci and associated networks. The NetEpi project employs multimodal measurements using the complementary techniques of EEG and fMRI to achieve the localization (by fMRI) of networks associated with epileptiform discharges (seen on EEG). Ongoing investigations have revealed widespread pathological networks encompassing distant cerebral regions; some of these regions were shown to be associated with cognitive comorbidities in epilepsy patients. Within individual patients, apparently similar EEG discharges were found to activate highly variable dynamic networks. Moreover, the identified networks showed a clear correspondence with cerebral regions recruited by focal electrical stimulation. It is thus clear that any effective focal intervention approach will have to consider the need to interact with the brain as a whole. EEG-fMRI contributes essential information on the localization and topology of the epileptogenic network.
Journal papers
Zhang S, Hennig J, LeVan P (2018). Direct modelling of gradient artifacts for EEG-fMRI denoising and motion tracking. (submitted)
Ofer I, Le Rose C, Mast H, LeVan P, Metternich B, Egger K, Urbach H, Schulze-Bonhage A, Wagner K (2018b). Impact of seizure freedom in patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy on default mode network organization Epilepsy and Behavior (in press)
Riemenschneider B, LeVan P, Hennig J (2018). Targeted Partial Reconstruction for Real- Time fMRI with Arbitrary Trajectories. Magn Reson Med (in press)
LeVan P, Akin B, Hennig J (2018a). Fast imaging for mapping dynamic networks. Neuroimage 180(B):547-558.
Ofer I, Jacobs J, Jaiser N, Akin B, Hennig J, Schulze-Bonhage A, LeVan P (2018a). Cognitive and behavioral comorbidities in Rolandic epilepsy and their relation with default mode network's functional connectivity and organization. Epilepsy & Behavior 78, 179-186
Akin B, Lee HL, Hennig J, LeVan P (2017a). Enhanced subject-specific resting-state network detection and extraction with fast fMRI. Hum Brain Mapp 38(2):817-30.
LeVan P, Zhang S, Knowles B, Zaitsev M, Hennig J (2016). EEG-fMRI Gradient Artifact Correction by Multiple Motion-Related Templates. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 63(12):2647-53.
Körbl K, Jacobs J, Herbst M, Zaitsev M, Schulze-Bonhage A, Hennig J, LeVan P (2016). Marker-based ballistocardiographic artifact correction improves spike identification in EEG- fMRI of focal epilepsy patients. Clin Neurophysiol. 2016 Aug;127(8):2802-11.
Jäger V, Dümpelmann M, LeVan P, Ramantani G, Mader I, Schulze-Bonhage A, Jacobs J (2015). Concordance of Epileptic Networks Associated with Epileptic Spikes Measured by High-Density EEG and Fast fMRI. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 23;10(10):e0140537.
Jacobs J, Stich J, Zahneisen B, Assländer J, Ramantani G, Schulze-Bonhage A, Korinthenberg R, Hennig J, LeVan P (2014a). Fast fMRI provides high statistical power in the analysis of epileptic networks. Neuroimage. 2014 Mar;88:282-94 *This publication may be considered “ground-breaking”, as it received the German High Tech Champion prize of the Fraunhofer Institute in 2014, and the Innovation prize of the Stiftung Familie Klee in 2016.
Proulx S, Safi-Harb M, Levan P, An D, Watanabe S, Gotman J (2014). Increased sensitivity of fast BOLD fMRI with a subject-specific hemodynamic response function and application to epilepsy. Neuroimage. 2014 Jun;93 Pt 1:59-73.
Jacobs J, Menzel A, Ramantani G, Körbl K, Assländer J, Schulze-Bonhage A, Hennig J, LeVan P (2014b). Negative BOLD in default-mode structures measured with EEG-MREG is larger in temporal than extra-temporal epileptic spikes. Front Neurosci. 18;8:335.
LeVan P, Dümpelmann M, Novitskaya Y, Brandt A, Schulze-Bonhage A, Hennig J (2018b). The relationship between structural connectivity, dynamic functional connectivity, and electrophysiologically measured effective connectivity. Proc. Resting-state and brain connectivity conference, Montreal, Canada.
Akin B, Hennig J, LeVan P (2018). Dynamic functional connectivity reveals altered subnetwork interaction within default-mode network hubs. Proc. Resting-state and brain connectivity conference, Montreal, Canada.
Akin B, Beers C, Gaxiola I, Pittman D, Hennig J, Federico P, LeVan P (2017b). Identification of reliably active epileptogenic areas in response to interictal discharges recorded with simultaneous iEEG-fMRI. Proc. OHBM, Vancouver, Canada.
Kimmig C, Jacobs J, Akin B, Frings L, Meyer P, Schulze-Bonhage A, Hennig J, LeVan P (2016). Resting-state fMRI detects hypometabolic brain areas in patients with therapy- refractory focal epilepsy. Proc. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva.
Ofer I, Jacobs J, Jaiser N, Akin B, Hennig J, Schulze-Bonhage A, LeVan P (2015). Cognitive comorbidities in rolandic epilepsy and their relation with default-mode connectivity. Proc. American Epilepsy Society, Philadelphia.
Akin B, Jacobs J, Korvink J, Schulze-Bonhage A, Hennig J, LeVan P (2015). Simultaneous EEG-fMRI of cerebral network activity preceding absence seizures. Proc. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, USA.
Schwaderlapp N, Akin B, Beume L, Schmidt C, Hören M, Kaller C, Korvink J, Egger K, Ur- bach H, Weiller C, Hennig J, LeVan P (2015). Dynamic resting-state fMRI connectivity re- flects behavioral measures in stroke patients. Proc. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, USA.
Blumberg, J., LeVan, P., Körbl, K., Schulze-Bonhage, A., Hennig, J., & Jacobs, J. (2015). Fast fMRI Sequence Allows for Analysis of BOLD Responses to Single Interictal Epileptic Spikes. Neuropediatrics, 46(S 01), FV03-03.
Menzel, A., P. Le Van, G. Ramantani, A. Schulze-Bonhage, J. Hennig, and J. Jacobs (2014). Time-Series Analysis of EEG-MREG Facilitates Interpretation of BOLD Responses in Epilepsy. Epilepsia 55 (June): 85–85