Tools to record brain activity at high resolution and to focally stimulate the brain based on the recorded signals are the basis of novel strategies of therapeutical intervention in patients. Individual brain areas do not function in isolation, however, they rather form networks comprising several dynamically interacting cortical and subcortical regions. The main objective of our project is to identify these networks from recorded signals and suggest efficient ways to bidirectionally interfere with them. To this end, we have developed a novel computational method to reconstruct the underlying effective network structure from measurements of human brain activity and tested it for two recording methods that optimally complement each other: Electrocorticography (ECoG) and MR-Encephalography (MREG). Based on resting state and motor state data sets we identified and characterized directed “causal” network structures and possible network hubs (nodes with high indegree and outdegree) that are expected to allow particularly efficient readout and stimulation in scenarios as described in the LiNC and SEAM platforms. Of crucial importance for the safe application of our new reconstruction method to human brain networks is a trustworthy validation of its performance. One possibility is to compare the networks reconstructed from resting state activity with structural data that represent the “ground truth”. In the case of ECoG, we used numerical simulations of biophysically realistic spiking networks to test the reconstruction performance on artificial surrogate data, with very promising preliminary results. In the case of MREG, we employed simulations of simple autoregressive processes for calibration, but also considered diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and compared the resulting structural information with the networks reconstructed from dynamic MREG signals acquired in human, yielding promising results.
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