Peer Group Counseling

28 February, 2018
with Maja Schellhorn

Short description: a half day workshop, where you can learn the techniques, the
methodology how you can apply an efficient and effective way of coaching
yourself in the group (=peer mentoring) - that is exactly what you  want
to perform in your regularly "Stammtisch".

Date and Location:  28.2.2018 (15:30 - 20:00), Faculty of Engineering, 
room to be announced later.

Group size:  minimum 5 participants; if more than 8 we will work in
part-groups for some time.

Details: The idea is to learn from others who are in more or less similar situations or have similar experiences, questions, challenges. Within a group of at least 5 persons individuals can ask
support for a specific question, such as:

  • What would be a good decision in a specific situation...
  • What could I/ should I do in a specific dilemma or conflict...
  • How do I tackle a problem
  • How could I go about...
  • How to start this, or how to end this...
  • Is my strategy in a specific context smart – or what else, what more should I do...
  • How could I realize this project/ this dream I have: what are your ideas

The individual questions could deal with subject matters like these: all kinds of career questions, work-life-balance, time management, working relationships, constellations and structures of your working context, personal motivation, projects/ project management, questions of communication and cooperation and more.
In this workshop at least three individuals will have the chance to get a personal coaching from the group (so, bring your ideas or questions you want a peer group counseling about). 

In doing this, you are supported and guided by a professional coach, so that you learn, what is helpful in this kind of peer coaching, and what is not helpful or even possibly harmful. At the end you know the method and will be able to use it by yourself.