
The national congress by the German Association for the Promotion of Mathematical and Scientific Teaching will take place from April 1st to 5th 2012 in Freiburg. ... [more]

March 12 and 14, 2012 / Bernstein Center Freiburg Imagine your Brain - Perspectives on a fascinating organ [more]

This winter term, the University of Freiburg will host a lecture series on Neurotechnology. The public lectures (which are held in German) will span the whole breadth of... [more]

Freiburg, Mensagarten (Rempartstrasse, next to the main Cafeteria) [more]

University of Freiburg honours BrainLinks-BrainTools members for their outstanding efforts. [more]

A research proposal by the University of Freiburg on hybrid brain-machine interface systems has been invited to enter the second round of the Excellence Initiative. [more]