Gastvortrag von Elisabeth Pacherie (ENS Paris)

Veranstaltungsdatum: 22.06.2017
Startzeit: 19:15 Uhr
Endzeit: 20:45 Uhr
Organisator: BrainLinks-BrainTools
Ort: HS 1009, KG I, Platz der Universität 3

BrainLnks-BrainTools lädt alle Mitglieder, Kollegen und Freunde ein zu einem Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Pacherie vom Institut Jean Nicod der École Normale Supérieure Rue d'Ulm in Paris:

Skilled Action and Dynamic Interfacing

An adequate theory of skilled action must address two central explananda. First, central to a full understanding of skilled action is some account of the intelligence that it exhibits. Flexibility is at the heart of this phenomenon. Skilled behaviour is highly sensitive to the nuances of a given action context and involves robust and fine-tuned interaction among different psychological states and processes—what the skilled action theorist must therefore explain is how this flexibility gets trained up and implemented by action control mechanisms. This understanding of flexibility directly gives rise to the second explanandum facing the skilled action theorist: how it is that the different psychological states and processes involved in the implementation of the flexible control of skilled behaviour manage to interact in a coordinated way given the different forms they take? Butterfill and Sinigaglia (2014) call this "the interface problem". I propose that three dimensions of flexibility characterize skilled motor behaviour – sensory sensitivity, situational sensitivity, and strategic sensitivity – and that the latter two require a continuous interplay between cognitive and motor control processes, giving rise to a dynamic situated interface problem. I offer a two-tiered solution to this problem, appealing to motor schemas to explain how intentional goal states can hook up with motor representations and to structured action representations to explain the dynamic and situation-sensitive nature of this interface.

A live stream for this talk is available here:

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