Guest lecture by Benedikt Grothe (LMU München)

Start date: 16/06/2016
Start time: 05:15 pm
End time: 06:45 pm
Organizer: BrainLinks-BrainTools / NeuroForum Freiburg
Location: Seminar Room Ground Floor, Zentrum für Neurowissenschaften, Albertstr. 23

BrainLinks-BrainTools and NeuroForum Freiburg are inviting all members, colleagues and friends to a guest lecture given by Prof. Dr. Benedikt Grothe from the LMU Munich:

Of Milli- and Microseconds - The Evolution of Spatial Hearing

Professor Benedikt Grothe is an excellent neuroscientist at the LMU in Munich. He is speaker of the SFBS 870 'Bildung und Funktion neuronaler Schaltkreise in sensorischen Systemen' and member of the Bernstein Center Munich focused on the 'Neural basis of learning'. His research interests lie in cellular and synaptic mechanisms of sound recognition and localisation. In the recent past the central role of synaptic inhibition has been identified. Grothe and his work group found out that age-related hearing deficits correlate with a decrease in the synthesis of  GABA and Glyzin, neurotransmitters with inhibitatory effect. Grothe is versed in a variety of fields, such as electrophysiology, anatomy, and behavioural studies (psychoacoustics in particular), as well as theoretical applications. 

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