BrainLinks-BrainTools unites life sciences, engineering, and clinical applications in Freiburg, thus anchoring neurotechnology as a research axis between three faculties of the University and various cooperation partners. These emerging opportunities for strong joint research and education between neuroscience and engineering deliver novel interdisciplinary results in an area highly relevant for society as a whole.
BrainLinks-BrainTools was chosen by the Joint Commission of the German Research Foundation and the German Council of Science and Humanities as a new Cluster of Excellence at the University of Freiburg, being funded within the framework of the German Excellence Initiative since November 2012. It brings together members of the Faculties of Engineering, Biology and Philosophy as well as the Medical Center - University of Freiburg and the Bernstein Center Freiburg.
Since July 2013, BrainLinks-BrainTools is officially recognized as a research center within the University of Freiburg.