Guest lectures: Robot Learning

Start date: 08/05/2019

09:00 Uhr
Dr. Igor Gilitschenski
MIT CSAIL Cambridge, USA
"Robust Perception for Long-Term Autonomy"
10:30 Uhr
Dr. Peer Neubert
Chemnitz University of Technology
"Navigation in changing environments as testbed for robot learning: From computer vision engineering and feed-forward deep learning to computational brain models and symbolic reasoning"

13:00 Uhr
Dr. Christian Rupprecht
University of Oxford
"Dealing with Ambiguities in Data, Learning and Perception"

14:45 Uhr
Dr. Abhinav Valada
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
"Embodied Cognitive Robotics: Rethinking the Relationship Between Perception and Action"

16:30 Uhr
Dr. Pablo Lanillos
TU München
"Neuro-inspired robotic body perception and action"

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