3. Career Apéro
Pharmacist Careers at Roche

Who: for students of Pharmacy (B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD)
When:  on Wednesday, 18.4.2018  (15:00 - 19:00)
Where: Roche Headquarters Kaiseraugst, F. Hoffman-La Roche AG,
Building 211, Wurmisweg, Kaiseraugst (Roche will provide a bus for the transportation from and back to University of Freiburg)
Language:  German with English simultaneous translation

Description: Roche invites the Pharmacy Students from the University of Freiburg for the third time to their headquarters in Basel/Kaiseraugst. Several speakers with pharmaceutical background will give you insight into how a pharmacist career at Roche could look like. The speakers are coming from different departments: dh regulatory, production, research, medical liason etc. and there will time for discussions  and to ask all your career questions during the networking  and the Apéro.

The Roche Career Apéro is limited to 50 Students from the University of Freiburg (men and women)

Registration under the link  (deadline is 15.4.2018):


Please disseminate the information to whom you think he/she might have interest and can join the trip to Roche.