Foto: Liu

On the evening of July 11, 2023, Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz (head of the Institute of Microsystems Engineering and spokesperson of the BrainLinks-BrainTools Center at the University of Freiburg) and Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer (head of the Human-Technology Interaction Lab at Freiburg University Hospital and co-director of NEXUS Experiments at the BrainLinks-BrainTools Center) discussed the topic of "Neurotechnology, Ethics and Acceptance" with the audience.

Foto: Liu

Foto: FWTM_Hoferer

Foto: FWTM_Hoferer

The panel was organized by NEXUS Experiments and took place in the context of the exhibition MIND-ART-TECHNOLOGY, on view at POP UP INNOVATION in Freiburg, Germany, from June 27 to July 17, 2023. Inspired by brain research, the two interdisciplinary artists Danesh ASHOURI and Danial ARABALI explore the boundaries between art and technology and confront the viewers with the challenges regarding ethics and acceptance. Sculptures, paintings, video installations and texts question the interrelation between medical technologies and mental health.

Freiburg's first pop-up innovation store, run by Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG (FWTM) will take place from June 16 to July 31, 2023, in the Unterlinden Quarter.  With changing exhibitions and presentations, companies, start-ups, organizations and research institutes will let the public take a look behind their scenes.

As a platform for participation-oriented science mediation and community-based research at the BrainLinks-BrainTools Center of the University of Freiburg, NEXUS Experiments participates in this new opportunity for knowledge transfer with different formats. In addition to the discussion and the exhibition MIND-ART-TECHNOLOGY, NEXUS will present a research project of the Center BrainLinks-BrainTools on interactive robot learning from July 19 to 21, 2023, in which visitors:inside can become active themselves as robot trainers:inside.

Moderation of the discussion on July 11: Kerstin Steiger-Merx (PR/Marketing Officer of the Faculty of Engineering)

DANIAL ARABALI is an Iranian-German visual artist living in Freiburg, Germany. His fascination with neuroscience is a driving force behind his artistic work. Arabali received his PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Göttingen in 2019. Inspired by his research, Arabali uses visual and acoustic aesthetics to recreate the microscopic life of neurons and brain structures.

Info: https://www.danialarabali.com/

DANESH ASHOURI is an interdisciplinary artist working in Basel and Freiburg. Ashouri seeks to engage viewers with a simple aesthetic while conveying provocative content. In 2017, he conceived the ArtTech series as a conceptual framework to raise awareness about neurotechnology and public health. Ashouri holds a PhD in neurotechnology from the University of Fribourg and currently works as a researcher at the Center for Intelligent Machine-Brain Interface Technology (IMBIT).

Info: https://www.danesh-ashouri.com/