Freiburg’s potentiostat on the cover of Analytical Chemistry

Foto: Dr.-Ing. Andreas Weltin

FreiStat – Freiburg’s embedded potentiostat brings electrochemical methods to the cloud

Foto: Dr.-Ing. Andreas Weltin Copyright American Chemical Society.

FreiStat – Freiburgs potentiostat brings electrochemical methods to the cloud. It enables electrochemical applications in the context of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and other decentralized applications, such as bio- and chemosensors, environmental monitoring, electrochemical energy systems, neuroscience, and other biomedical applications. The publication is featured on the current cover of the journal Analytical Chemistry.

The FreiStat is based on Analog Devices’ AD5941 circuit, and the key to accurate, advanced electrochemical methods is its custom firmware. The analytical performance of the FreiStat is comparable to laboratory instruments that often cost over 10,000 €. The total cost of the FreiStat is less than 100 €, and the software and firmware are completely open source.

Potentiostats are instruments that enable the operation of an electrochemical cell. These are the basis of e.g. blood glucose meters, batteries, corrosion analysis, or the measurement of neurotransmitters in the brain.


David Bill, Mark Jasper, Andreas Weltin, Gerald A. Urban, Stefan J. Rupitsch, Jochen Kieninger, “Electrochemical Methods in the Cloud: FreiStat, an IoT-Enabled Embedded Potentiostat”, Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95, 35, 130003-13009,

Build your own FreiStat

Freiburg‘s Potentiostat (FreiStat):


Dr. Jochen Kieninger
Laboratory for Electrical Instrumentation and Embedded Systems
IMTEK – Department of Microsystems Engineering
University of Freiburg