ChatGPT - AI-Tools in research

Foto: Bettina Schug

On 23th October 2023 An exciting panel discussion on the use of ChatGPT and other AI tools in research took place in the NEXUS Lab. The event can now be viewed retrospectively.


On 23th October 2023, the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Innovation hosted a panel discussion on the risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in research. The following took part in the discussion: Prof. Dr. Stefan Rensing, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky, expert in the field of AI regulation, Prof. Dr. Frank Hutter, Professor of Machine Learning, Prof. Dr. Melanie Börries, expert in medical bioinformatics and systems medicine, and Andreas Woitzik, who is doing his doctorate on hybrid quantum algorithms. The panel was moderated by Dr. Arndt Michael, head of the Colloquium politicum.

The participants discussed various aspects of the use of AI tools in research, including increasing productivity, expert systems, ethical and legal regulation and the financial imbalance between the USA and Europe. There was also an exciting discussion about BrainWorlds, an interdisciplinary project to research neural networks. Around 100 people attended the NEXUS Lab, while a further 90 people were connected via Zoom.
