The BrainLinks-BrainTools research center is pleased to announce the election of a new executive board. The candidates who were nominated for election by the General Assembly reflect the broad expertise and commitment of our members. All were voted to their positions with an overwhelming majority. The executive board has now been officially appointed by the rectorate.
The composition of the new board is a balanced mix of experienced members and new faces who bring a breath of fresh air and innovative ideas. We are aiming for a much more diverse composition in the long term and therefore rely on a diverse group of academics with different perspectives and backgrounds.
We are therefore particularly pleased that the new management team consisting of Prof. Diester and her two deputies Prof. Stieglitz and Prof. Bödecker covers the three areas of NeuroCore, NeuroProbes and NeuroRobotics.
We would like to thank all candidates and the newly elected Executive Board for their willingness to invest time in the BrainLinks-BrainTools research center and actively shape its future together.