Relevant for Research Area
Microelectrode recordings allow for the simultaneous quantification of the activity of small neuronal ensembles (multi-unit activity, MUA) and Local Field Potentials (LFPs). So far it is still unclear to what extent MUA (>500 Hz) contributes to the generation of the LFP (<500 Hz). It has been proposed that the relation between these different scales varies depending on the underlying neuronal morphology, the synaptic distribution and the correlation of synaptic activity.
· Heers, M., Chowdhury, R. A., Hedrich, T., Dubeau, F., Hall, J. A., Lina, J. M.,Grova, C. & Kobayashi, E. (2016). Localization accuracy of distributed inverse solutions for electric and magnetic source imaging of interictal epileptic discharges in patients with focal epilepsy. Brain topography, 29(1), 162-181.
· Zijlmans, M., Worrell, G. A., Dümpelmann, M., Stieglitz, T., Barborica, A., Heers, M., Ikeda, A., Usai, N. & Le Van Quyen, M. (2017). How to record high‐frequency oscillations in epilepsy: A practical guideline. Epilepsia, 58(8), 1305-1315. [among four most shared review articles, Epilepsia 2017 & among 20 most downloaded articles within 1 year after publication in Epilepsia]
· Heers, M., Helias, M., Hedrich, T., Dümpelmann, M., Schulze-Bonhage, A., & Ball, T. (2018). Spectral bandwidth of interictal fast epileptic activity characterizes the seizure onset zone. NeuroImage: Clinical, 17, 865-872. [among 25 most downloaded articles, NeuroImage Clinical 1-5/2018]
· Behncke, Joos, et al. "Probabilistic neuroanatomical assignment of intracranial electrodes using the ELAS toolbox" Submitted to Journal of Neuroscience Methods
· Glasstetter, Martin, et al. "Spectral estimation of movement related EEG activity using sine and Slepian multitaper: A comparison" in preparation