We are pleased to announce a new paper by Paul Čvančara and Thomas Stieglitz from the BrainLinks-BrainTools team! Together with other research groups, they have succeeded in generating continuous sensory feedback in amputees through direct stimulation of the peripheral nerves.
Using innovative TIMEs (transverse interfascicular multichannel electrodes), reliable sensory activation was achieved for the first time. The initial results emphasize the decisive role of the choice of material. Special thin-film electrodes were implanted in the nerves of three forearm amputees. These TIMEs remained within safe electrochemical limits and enabled precise amplitude modulation. The longevity of the electrodes is crucial for long-term help for patients. The presented study underlines that thin-film electrodes are a promising option for permanent implant systems, which could immensely improve patients' quality of life and also have a positive effect on agonizing conditions such as phantom pain.