The guests were Dr. Danesh Ashouri from BrainLinks-BrainTools and Wayne Götz, both artists and scientists. They offered a fascinating insight into their works, which explore the interfaces between art and science in a unique way. The event was moderated by Philipp Schrögel from the Käte Hamburger Kolleg für Apokalyptische und Postapokalyptische Studien (CAPAS) at Heidelberg University and Judith Saurer from NEXUS Experiments. In addition to highlighting the guests' work, there was a lively discussion about how to reach different audiences and how we can develop accessible programs that invite participation while delivering meaningful content.
One of the most interesting questions of the evening was therefore also whether and how one's own art can be practiced without sacrificing the truthfulness of the facts.
Artists often enrich the world precisely through their unconventional perspective, but it is essential to keep a clear eye on the data basis, especially in connection with science.
The lively audience also contributed to this topic with enthusiastic contributions and comments to an inspiring discussion that immensely enhanced the intimate atmosphere of the event.